baby albino koala
2010 is finally here ladies and gentlemen. Things are changing and I hope many inspirations are being fulfilled. About this same time last year, my best friend Christian Wach and I bought our tickets to Noosa Heads Australia. Every year they put on a huge festival, obviously called The Noosa Festival of Surfing, and people from local breaks to people from all over the world travel here to do a combination of events ranging from Noseriding to Tandem surfing. All is welcome, all is respected. (: This is my favorite event I have ever been to or even done for that matter. Last year, 2009, was my first time to travel to Australia and is was about Christians 5th time.

First Point Noosa
Dane Peterson '09
I will be turing 21 on the 8th of March so if you are in the area, make sure you stop by.... WHO IS KAMERON BROWN II- redux.....(thanks Harrison Roach for lasts years extravaganza (: hahaha) I'm pretty sure the event runs from about the 17th throughh the 24ths or something very close to that. I will be doing to Noseride, Old Mal, and Amateur event this year. Hope I do well!!
Thanks to my sponcers:
~Es-cent-ial Wetsuits
~Icons of Surf
~Matunas Wax
~The Critical Slide Society
~Bing Surfboards
I coulndn't of made it to where I am today without these people to help guide me to the top! I know this year is going to bring great fun. It is my favorite place to travel in the whole world and I've been to a few places! I seem to feel very comfortable and very welcomed in Aus (especially Noosa) maybe because of the people, environment, attitudes, waves, or just a fine mixture of all of 'em ! (: haha The more and more I talk about it, the more ancy I grow to get down undah!
I hope to see many of you there and if you have time, try and save up for next year if you can't make it this time. It's yearly and most likely planning on staying that way. Stay on the tip, love life, stay happy, this is Kameron Brown... signing off..!! (:
CWACH..... WINNER..... NOSERIDE EVENT........ 2010